Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random Bookstore Blog

I'm so happy I've been writing again. It's so obvious how good it is for me. When I write out my thoughts and passions, I can focus on what's important to me. I don't get as bogged down and overwhelmed by things. They don't make a sticky cluster of worry in my head when I write them out. I just try to come up with a solution for what bothers me, and if I can't, then I try to be patient. That is not at all how I function when I don't write. I got holed up in my room, trapped by everything I can't change until I'm completely detached from the present. I get stuck without writing. I don't let things flow out of me like they should, I get pent up and flustered until I can't see things clearly. Realizing it's my own doing doesn't help, it just gives me a reason to be more miserable most of the time. Unless I can find my center, that is. And that's exactly what writing helps me with. It helps me remember who it is I really am, and what it is really believe in, and to let go of the rest because I start remembering that anything else is just baggage.

Anyway, I have to go to work. I got stuck at this crappy book store instead of being allowed to go in early, but it was nice to get to write again.

Until next time!

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